Tarot guidance sessions

breakthrough blueprint

Get my free breakthrough blueprint

Nix indecision, overwhelm, and burnout and reconnect to your creative energy and expression

I'm in

You're not going to want to procrastinate on this one.

Magnetic Expression Mastery

Unlock Your Potential and Embrace Authenticity, Power, and Intuition

Transform into the most authentic EXPRESSION of yourself

If you're feeling stagnant, stuck, and unsatisfied with where you're at this is for you

UNLOCK YOUR MAGIC - To embody the freest, most vibrant, and empowered self

EXPRESS MAGNETICALLY - To create a deep resonance between your energy and your output

ATTRACT WITH ALIGNMENT- To magnetize the life of your dreams without over-efforting and burnout

Gia's been  FEATURED in

if we haven't met yet...

And if you had to develop a personality because of your childhood fugliness, you get me, you really do!

I'm a gay, ADHD-having, award-winning Content Creator, Educator, Creative Strategist, and Magnetic Thought Leader on a mission to empower others to show up authentically and leverage their full badassery to create and share ideas that transform, excite, and inspire. 

I'm Gia, 

Even though I literally can't see typos, I have a BS in Psychology, and a Master’s in Visual Studies. I've also worked with mega-brands like Nike, Adidas, Google, and Pandora, to create meaningful content that resonates. 

I've personally grown my Youtube channel and TikTok to over 100K, launched a chart-ranking podcast, given keynotes to

I'm Gia, 

Fortune 500 companies, and am currently writing my first book. I believe that being flexible and multi-disciplinary in what we create gives us a chance to express ourselves magnetically with people all over the world who can deeply benefit from who we are and what we know.

I believe you can do this and I'd love to show you how.

Yep, I totally had a cross eye and foo foo bangs, don't be jealous

I'm Gia, 

Yep, I totally had a cross eye and foo foo bangs, don't be jealous

What's Magnetic
Self-Expression Anyway?

When you are able to own all of who you are with love and then express that freely and abundantly, you become a magnet for your desires.

We've all seen those people who draw people and opportunities like moths to a flame without even trying. Guess what? That can totally be you. 

It's not about an "it factor," "charisma, or status, it's about the electric energy you emit when you  expressing from full alignment with your most authentic energy and everyone can do it. It's simple but not easy. It takes bravery, it takes commitment, and it takes vulnerability. But I can tell you, the view is gorgeous from over here. 

magnetic expression mastery

Transform into the boldest and brightest version of yourself

A life-changing accelerator  and mastermind empowering you to stop playing small and unleash your full potential and power with authenticity and magic

A Life-Changing Accelerator And Mastermind to fuel your next evolution



The step-by-step roadmap to Embodying the magnetic Version of yourself and sharing them with the world


click to watch

Think incubator to nurture and guide you through your reinvention. It's a 3-month accelerator and mastermind designed to take you from living as the half-baked character in a random story, to empowered, magnetic, and trusting in who you are and the impact you're destined to have.

Each month you'll learn a core component of Gia's MXM methodology to redefine who you are, cultivate a strong inner-knowing, re-wire the stories, habits, and thoughts keeping you small, develop an authentic voice and expression that resonates powerfully, grow your vision for your life to one that is worthy of you, and learn to attract from a deep sense of power and presence.

Each month you'll have one Q&A session with other MXM members and Gia to gain clarity on the MXM content to make sure it makes sense and is actionable.

Enhanced members will have two additional  integration sessions with other MXM members and Gia to reaffirm and apply the content you're learning so it can become fully absorbed and habitual. These sessions are are a type of group coaching, where people share vulnerably and get Gia's guidance and reflection on their particular situation.  

click the arrow 


When you graduate MXM

you'll have the tools to

Bring to Life your Big Vision:
We will work together on your Big Vision, the next version for yourself and you'll have the support, guidance, and accountability to bring it to life

Reimagine Your Relationships: You'll gain the insights, practice, and presence to nurture connecting relationships with firm and loving boundaries and the self-worth to walk away when needed

Discover what makes you unique and powerful. Create a clear path for expressing it with confidence and impact.

Re-Wire your Relationship to Putting Yourself Out There: To one filled with presence, ease, meaning, excitement, and connection

Develop a Buoyant Mindset: That's aligned with your big vision, fueling impeccable thoughts, words, and actions. A mindset that gives you a way to move forward 

Create a Customized Roadmap: Your creation plan that works with your energy and interests, so you can move towards your goals and big vision contintually

Attract the Right People & Contexts: You'll have the tools to manifest through alignment, which will enhance your ability to drawn opportunities and people to you

Develop Magnetic Expression Mastery: The freedom to express yourself across the 5 channels with conviction, power, and authenticity so people can tell when it's you across all mediums



two transformational components

magnetic expression mastery

MXM method Methodology

 Support & Community

You'll have 3 Q&A sessions to gain clarity on the content you're learning. Each call is 1.5 hrs with all MXM Members. You'll get to ask questions, receive targeted feedback. Enhanced members will also have 2 Integration sessions with the group to share your unique experiences and how to use what you're learning in direct application to your situation

Each month will unlock new MXM content to learn the backbone of the method. Each month's focus will build on the next so you can dive deeper into your transformation. You'll have video lessons, audio lessons, worksheets, and swipe files to help you absorb the information in a way that works for you. You can learn at your own pace on your own time.



Despite being confident in a lot of ways, I always dealt with imposter syndrome. Before the program, I was afraid to put myself out there. It felt like there was a "right way" to do it that didn't feel like me. I learned so much, but more than anything, I now understand how to be myself, share my message, and help people with my authentic energy and how to make a meaningful abundant business doing it.


Desiree Batiste  

Gia Goodrich is truly an incredible GEM of a person; her heart, integrity, creativity, and genius really come to the fore when she teaches. Her program provided guidance, inspiration, and technical knowledge at a level that far exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend taking any of Gia's offerings!

Jahala Love

Traditional Indigenous Healer

Gia's program was so much more than I could have ever expected. I was so nervous about following by dream of making videos before. But now, not only have I been crushing IG reels, but with only 1,700 followers, I've generated over $15k in my Confidence Academy and been able to help some incredible women doing what I love. I can't recommend Gia's programs highly enough!

Kelliana Cole

Confidence Coach,
Amputee, Disability Advocate

Before Gia I was posting to social media in order to find leads and get some business but basically, nothing was coming of it. I was treading water. She helped me narrow down my focus and figure out what I was and wasn't doing. I immediately implemented what she taught me. My views increased by 7-fold and a lot more engagement. I'm really excited!

Anne Koski

Fitness Trainer & Mobility Coach

Rave Reviews

A Unique Methodology
for authentic Ownership

Get where you're going faster through clear and strategic guidance you can customize.

Video lessons you can watch when it works for you

Customize your aligned plan of action with the added worksheets

Are you ready to chart your most authentic course? The curriculum features engaging video lessons that will guide you every step of the way. Our container is safeguarded with exclusive content and profound support to help you succeed. You won't find this information anywhere else.

The mXM method


Watch, re-watch, iterate as many times as you'd like 

The Community and accountability to guide you to greatness

Expand your network with a supportive collective on the same journey. 

3- Monthly Live Q&A Gia and the Mastermind Group

Time-stamped recordings to watch when you want

Individualized feedback and insights 

To create real change, you need more than just knowledge - you need check-ins, feedback, insights, and personalized support. That's why we offer monthly Q&A sessions with Gia, where you can get direct answers and clarifications on what you're learning, all in a supportive group setting over Zoom.

If you're ready to do the work to become your best self, our enhanced membership includes twice-monthly Integration Sessions. These sessions will give you the inspiration and motivation you need to navigate the emotional ups and downs of the deconditioning process. Plus, you'll get to deeply connect like-minded people who are just as committed to your success as you are.

The mXM mastermind


9- Live Integration Sessions (2x per month) with the Mastermind & Gia (for MXM enhanced members)

The mXM Portal


a place to chat, connect, and share in your experience

Participate in challenges to gamify what you're learning

Watch on-demand video lessons or as audio downloads

Access all MXM content easily from your phone

MXM is hosted on a platform called Kajabi. All video lessons, worksheets, and documentation is kept in a central location for easy access 24/7 no matter where you are in the world.
You'll have lessons in video, and audio format so you can absorb the information in a way that works best for your brain.

Connect with others in real-time video chats for accountability and fun

Our community portal is like a Facebook group but cooler. You'll have access to challenges, forums, and can set up times to connect with others in video chats for accountability and connection.
 It comes with a mobile app for easy access to all MXM content and connections.

What you can expect
to get out of mxm

Creator Compass: a workguide uncovering your deep why, your creative sweet spot, your unique value proposition, and an empowered background story to communicate to others.

 Revealed Roadmap: a workguide unlocking insights about your energy/purpose leveraging Human Design, Gene Keys, and Numerology so you can honor and communicate the energy and flow you were designed for.

MXM Mindset Makeover: You'll learn multidisciplinary tools for acknowledging and rewiring stories that have protected you and also held you back. You'll have the capacity to identify and interrupt old patterns and replace them with a mindset that serves you.

Big Swing Big Playbook: You'll learn the common thought errors and activating memories that perpetuate your thinking small. We'll work together to help you identify your true desires without self-censoring, so you can perceive with clarity what it is you truly want to do and create.

Month 1: Outomes

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You can laser into your skills, talents, gifts, vulnerabilities, and desires and start to see yourself clearly and with appreciation.

Uncover and maintain the boundaries you need to flourish. Whether it's about timing, making decisions, environments, output etc. you'll see into what you need to thrive and how to create physical and energetic barriers to anything that's not in alignment with those things.

Become well-trained at identifying your limiting stories and beliefs so you can catch them before they take root and start influencing your actions.

Begin to expertly redirect those old signals to language and stories that leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally empowered.

Understand your aligned decision-making process (it's different for people). This will give you complete clarity around how much information you need, how much time you need, and where you feel/experience your inner knowing.

so you can

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The 5 Expression Channels: A workguide to help you unlock the ways your energy is translated outward. Think, brand guide for how you express, to tighten up places where you might be blocked or sending mixed messages about who you are and what you're capable of.

 The Magnetic Quotient Assessment: You'll get a score on where you currently are across each channel to have an objective measurement and track your progress.

Emotional Alchemy Guide: You'll learn the somatic practices for releasing and leveraging the power of your emotions, so you stop siphoning the powerful energy they bring.

Personal Recommendations for optimal expression: You'll get my guidance on what you can do specifically to optimize how your expression translates in realtime with integration sessions.

Month 2: Outcomes

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Feel free to express yourself across multiple axis without self-criticality, judgement, excessive rumination, or people-pleasing.

Understand more deeply about how your energy translates to others and craft an authentic output to attract the people, places, and opportunities most aligned with the true you.

Trade burying, denying, and judging your emotions for using that powerful energy to give you clarity and create profound connections with yourself and others.

Dial up how you show up. Giving you the freedom to do, say, create, and give what you want, dance unabashedly, and put yourself out there without fear of judgement.

so you can

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Conscious Attraction Guide: You'll get my precise method for aligning your energy and thoughts with what you want to create and experience, so you can stop self-sabotaging and oversteering the outcome and process.

Inner Knowing Development: We'll tighten up your inner knowing and pair them with synchronistic support so you can confidently take aligned action and know whether something is a fit for you or not.

Wobble Toolkit: In the space between idea and outcome, there's a lot of mileage that can be rife with doubt. You'll get all of my most powerful tools for getting out of doubt and criticality so you can continue moving forward despite the inevitable dips in the process.

Design Your Big Dream Plan: I'll help you reverse engineer your most important dreams and goals, so you can feel reassured taking steps even if they don't feel at first like they directly translate. 

Month 3: Outcomes

Click to see more

Start using your power as a conscious creator to bring about wild, miraculous, and exciting occurrences that guide you closer and closer to your dreams.

Learn to deeply trust yourself despite whatever external "evidence" presents itself including loving naysayers.

Be able to navigate the ups and downs with grace and conviction instead of curling up into a ball and throwing in the towel.

Get the creative strategy support when crafting your plan so you can know you're moving in an aligned direction.

so you can

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just imagine...

Procrastinating because you secretly don't believe you're worthy of success, visibility, and greatness. You don't trust yourself

Having an unwavering understanding of why you, why now, and how to get there with the MXM community to back you

Your transformation is right around the corner

Feeling awkward, embarrassed, or
nervous to put yourself out there even though you know you want to

Confidently creating and leveraging the magic of your authentic energy, and translating that with ease on command

Being overwhelmed and burnt out by your life and wishing you there was a way to feel like less of a slave to your commitments

Feeling clear and energized by your focus, and using your internal knowing to guide you to things that are a fit for you and easily saying no to what isn't

Feeling frustrated and bitter because you're not recognized for your brilliance and you all to often feel passed over

Attracting "pinch me" opportunities like a magnet because people can easily find you and they love hearing your perspective


going from...

going from...


going from...


going from...



Take aligned action and Receive Genuine Feedback

Learn and Implement the MXM Methodology

Each month you'll focus on the core component of the MXM Method delivered via  video lessons. With additional worksheets and exercises. You'll have a month to absorb and feel into the month's theme

Expand your Presence, Vision, and Purpose

Each month during our Q&A and integration sessions you'll get to reflect on and marinate in how the method is working in your life and the changes you can make to enhance it. You'll be among peers and receive support and accountability along the way

Over the months you'll get the chance to dive deeper into your authentic expression and really become clear in who you are and what you want. As you expand your beliefs and stories, you'll be giving yourself more and more permission to live boldly and brightly


By leveraging the tools and support in MXM, you'll be unlocking your magnetic energy and growing toward the most authentic expression of yourself



The Magnetic Expression Mastery Trajectory


3 months to set you up for years to come


payment plans available

apply to mxm

invest in your future
like you mean it

Mxm investment

Pay in full bonus: a 1-on-1 integration session with Gia

Monthly Group Tarot Pulls
(3 total)

Lifetime access to all accelerator content and materials

2x Month Live Mastermind Integration Sessions with Gia (6 total)

Lifetime access to the MXM Community Portal



payment plans available

apply to mxm

Pay in full bonus: a 1-on-1 integration session with Gia

Monthly Mastermind Q&A sessions with Gia (3 total)

3 Months of the MXM Method Content

Lifetime access to the MXM Community Portal

Lifetime access to all accelerator content and materials

Monthly Q&A sessions with Gia (3 total)

3 Months of to MXM Method Content


Inside the program there will be an opportunity to add and additional level of Mentorship to the program. Where you can connect with Gia via Marco Polo where you can send as many videos as you'd like and get a response within 48 hours.

Mentorship is limited to 3 members per month. It's as close to having me in your brain as you can possibly get. Gia doesn't offer any sort of private or 1-on-1 sessions to people outside of MXM.

Asynchronous mentorship via the  Marco Polo app


Realtime Course Corrections

Inside the private mentorship you'll be able to send video messages to Gia with what's coming up in realtime. She's a master and reflecting where you're getting stuck and reframing your perspective to one that's empowering and honest.

Watch an example from a recent MP exchange. At first, she tried to play things off, but after I told her Gia saw something was happening emotionally. After she shared her truth, this was Gia's rersponse.

via ASYNCHRONOUS mentorship on your phone


I can't wait to go over your application. By sharing a bit about who you are and where you are at, it's the first step in putting yourself out there in a powerful way.

Applications give me a sense of your energy and help me know whether your path is aligned with MXM.

That means, if you're accepted, it's because I truly believe you'll be able to have a meaningful transformation with the program.

 *You don't need to be at a certain "level" in order to be a fit. It's intuitive matching that's about energy, enthusiasm, potential, and drive. If you're having a twinge of imposter feelings, don't let them hold you back :)


You share as openly and honestly about where you're at and where you want to go.


I personally read through your application and will see if based on what you've shared, whether or not MXM could truly transform your life.


If I feel like you're a fit, you’ll be invited into my exclusive advanced training to dive deeper into the 6-part MXM Method along with an invitation to join me inside the program. 

apply to mXM

In between Q&A and masterminds, you can submit questions to the group for feedback. For any technical support you can expect us to be on it within 24 hours on weekdays. 

What's the support like?

Expect to allocate 5-10 hours per month for optimal results. That includes the trainings, live sessions, and your personal work time. In MXM we work smarter not harder.

What's the time commitment?

You'll have lifetime access to MXM and all of the content.  You'll be able to join live session for 3 months from your start date. After that time, you'll have the option to extend if you'd like more supporrt.

how long will i have access?

We are fully committed to your success. Whether you utilize the content in order to create the transformation is up to you. Therefore, we don't offer refunds. So please be fully committed.

do you offer refunds?

You are the only one who can answer that. Your inner knowing is a part of what we'll be developing in the program, because outsourcing your major decisions is totally suboptimal. Trust yourself and honor your knowing.

am i ready to join?

MXM launches June 1st, but enrollment may reopen in the future.  The MXM Method trainings will be made available each week. Your 3 months starts when the program launches.

When does mxm start?


I'd love to hear from you

Still have some questions?

After you fill out your application, you can feel free to send me a DM on Instagram and I'll be happy to talk you through what's coming up. There's never any pressure from me.  And clarity is always a wonderful thing.


Take the MQ

About MXM

Join My 3-Day Virtual Bootcamp To Reconnect With Your Magnetic Self

Join me on an adventure to tap into your unique magic, expression, and aligned attraction.

I'm in!

You're not going to want to procrastinate on this, I promise.

Helping identity-rich humans unlock and express the most magnetic version of themselves