Tarot guidance sessions

Creative intuition activation

Check out my powerful Course Activate your creative Intuition

Strengthen your aligned guidance and neutralize your limiting blocks so you can create with purpose, flow, and trust

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Join my LIVE Masterlcass

In this live Zoom masterclass, you’ll learn about the 4 horsemen that keep us separate from having the impact we know we’re meant to have and the clear energetically-aligned path to get there using your intuition. 

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You're just 4 minutes away from discovering your Magnetic Quotient. Once you unlock your  potential, the world had better watch out!


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About MXM

Join My 3-Day Virtual Bootcamp To Reconnect With Your Magnetic Self

Join me on an adventure to tap into your unique magic, expression, and aligned attraction.

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You're not going to want to procrastinate on this, I promise.

Helping identity-rich humans unlock and express the most magnetic version of themselves